Dear Applicants to Buddhist-Marriage

Welcome & Our Hearty Wishes to you all,
Having read the below mentioned policies, you hereby accept to register with our organisation and also agree that:

  • You have clearly read the terms and conditions of Buddhist-Marriage before registering yourself as a member of this matrimony site.
  • You are an Indian National & Citizen, Person of Indian Origin (PIO) or Non Resident Indian (NRI).
  • Your age is above 18 if female & above 21 years if male member.


  • You hereby are aware that the login ID & Password allocated to you is purely for your personal usage, and you shall not allocate or transfer to another individual or entities.
  • As a member you shall agree that your profile may be crawled and indexed by search engines, where Buddhist-Marriage does not have any control over the search engines behaviour.
  • In case of termination of the membership either party may terminate, by serving a written or email notice to the other.
  • In case of breach of contract or illegal practice by the member, Buddhist-Marriage reserves right to terminate the membership, disable the access to the site and remove your profile from display.
  • The terms and conditions are only illustrative and not exhaustive.
  • Buddhist-Marriage shall reserve the rights to amend by inclusion/deletion/amendment of the terms and conditions at any time with or without notice.



Buddhist-Marriage offers its services to provide you visit or sign up and you accept these conditions. Therefore you are requested to kindly read the entire disclaimer clearly and carefully. The terms and conditions of Buddhist-Marriage is applicable throughout the services requested by you and provided by us though this acceptance, and also subjected to change on a time to time basis, based on the discretion of the management of Buddhist-Marriage.


a. Buddhist-Marriage allows access to its members for using this access and data for personal usage and not commercial usage. The member is allowed to update, edit or upload his/her details and view, respond or interact with other members in the website to the extent of access given by Buddhist-Marriage which is at the own discretion of Buddhist-Marriage.
b. Using the database of the site for reasons other than matrimony purpose or for commercial usage is strictly prohibited.
c. Unauthorised usage of the access is subject to the termination with or without notice.


  • The member agrees that the details given by him/her are correct and are not intentionally changed or masked for the purpose of influencing the marriage proposal.
  • All necessary information which is mandatory and required, are appropriately given.
  • The member is legally competent to get married.
  • The member agrees with Buddhist-Marriage to display or post its profile and make visible to other members.
  • Buddhist-Marriage does not give any guarantee or assurance towards the members that they will get married or on any responses for the posting of the member’s details.
  • Membership may continue to the extent of fee paid by the member and gets closed on non -payment of the same.


The scheme/Fee / Services of Buddhist-Marriage shall be determined, fixed and provided on the discretion of the management and shall be subject to change from time to time which shall be intimated as and when required.

I hereby have read all the terms and conditions and accept the same before registering myself with www.Buddhist-Marriage.